Pererin wyf mewn anial dir (Yn crwydro yma a thraw)

1,((2),4,5),6;  1,3,4,5.
Pererin wyf mewn anial dir, Yn crwydro yma a thraw, Ac yn rhyw ddisgwyl bob yr awr Fod tŷ fy Nhad gerllaw. Ac mi debygaf clywaf sŵn Nefolaidd rai o'm blaen, Wedi gorchfygu a mynd drwy Dymhestloedd dŵr a thân. O tyred Ysbryd Sanctaidd, Pur, Nertha 'mlinedig draed; A rho im' olwg oleu, glir, Ar hyfryd dir fy ngwlad. Tyrd, Ysbryd Sanctaidd, ledia'r ffordd, Bydd imi'n niwl a thân; Ni cherdda' i'n gywir hanner cam Oni byddi di o'm blaen. Mi wyraf weithiau ar y dde Ac ar yr aswy law; Am hynny arwain, gam a cham, Fi i'r baradwys draw. Mae hiraeth arnaf am y wlad Lle mae torfeydd di-ri' Yn canu'r anthem ddyddiau'u hoes Am angau Calfari.
Mae hiraeth arnaf :: 'Rwyf yn hiraethu
- - - - - 1,2,3;  1,2,4.
Pererin wyf mewn anial dir, Yn crwydro yma ' thraw, Ac yn rhyw ddisgwyl bob yr awr Fod tŷ fy Nhad gerllaw. 'Rwy'n edrych dros y bryniau pell, Amdanat bob yr awr; Tyrd, fy Anwylyd, mae'n hwyrhau, A'm haul bron mynd i lawr. At wedd dy wyneb nid yw ddim Drysorau maith y llawr; Mae gair o'th enau'n llawr mwy Ei rym nag uffern fawr. Tybygwn, pe bae nhraed yn rhydd O'r blin gaethiwed hyn, Na wnawn ond canuu tra fawn byw Am ras Calfaria fryn.
Amdanat bob yr awr :: Am danat, Iesu mawr
Tyrd :: O! tyrd

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Amazing Grace (alaw Americanaidd)
Bedford (William Wheale 1696-1727)
Cologne (alaw Ellmynig)
Erfyngar (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Gwinllan / Tyn-Rhos (alaw Gymreig)
Hiraeth (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)
Ludwig (L v Beethoven 1770-1824)
Martyrs (Psalmydd Ysgotaidd)
St Agnes (J B Dykes 1823-76)
St Bernard (1741 Tochter Sion)
St Mary (Salmydd E Prys 1621)
St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)
  Salford (<1835)
Sophia (John Jones 1766-1857)
Tallis Ordinal (Thomas Tallis c.1505-85)

  At wedd dy wyneb nid yw ddim
  Fe'm siomwyd gan bleserau'r llawr
  Hiraetha f'enaid am fwynhau
  Mae dyddiau griddfan i mi'n hir
  O tyred Ysbryd sanctaidd pur
  'Rwy'n edrych dros y bryniau pell
  Tyr'd Ysbryd sanctaidd ledia'r ffordd
  Yn nyfnder profedigaeth ddu

A pilgrim am I in a desert land Wandering hither and yon, And in a kind of hope every hour That my Father's house is at hand. And I shall most likely hear Some heavenly sound before me, Having overcome and gone through Tempests of water and fire. O Come, pure Holy Spirit, Strengthen my exhausted feet; And give me a bright, clear view, Upon the delightful land of my country. Come, Holy Spirit, widen the way, Be to me cloud and fire; I will not walk correctly half a step Except thou be before me. I veer at times to the right And to the left hand; Therefore lead, step by step, Me to the paradise yonder. I have a longing for the land Where multitudes without number Are singing the anthem the days of their age About the death of Calvary.
- - - - -  
A pilgrim am I in a desert land Wandering hither and yon, And in a kind of hope every hour That my Father's house is at hand. I am looking across the distant hills, For thee every hour; Come, my Beloved, it is getting late, And my sun about to go down. To the countenance of thy face as nothing Are the vast treasures of below; A word from thy mouth much greater is Its strength than great hell. I suppose, if my feet were free From this wearisome captivity, I would only sing as long as I live Of the the grace of Calvary hill.
For thee every hour :: For thee, great Jesus
Come :: Oh come

tr. 2008,20 Richard B Gillion

I long for thy divine abode, Where sinless myriads dwell, Who ceaseless sing thy boundless love, And all thy glories tell.
- - - - -  
I look beyond the distant hills, My risen Lord to see: O come, Beloved, ere the dusk, My sun doth set on me!

1854 Joseph Morris

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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